The 48th Anniversary celebration was held at Camp Pendleton. Those who were able to attend were treated to a wonderful parade and a fun Mess Night. There was a static display of weapons and equipment. The Marines of 7th Engineers made us feel very welcome, and even seemed very interested in the Viet Nam history of the Battalion. We were more than glad to impart our words of wisdom to the young Marines of today.

Among those attending were:   "Chug" Meeker,  Harry Solter, Dick Phaneuf, Richard Gleeson, John Fielding, and Jim Bostic. Forgive me if  I've forgotten someone.The Guest of Honor was LtGen. Bob Tiebout. He was the CO of "A" 9th Eng. in 1967 when they were attached to 7th Engineers. The General is also a former 7th Engineer Bn. CO (1982).             
